Month: March 2009

  • Happy St.Patrick's Day!!!
    St. Patrick's Day is known as a day of celebration and festivities, but very few people know the TRUE story of St. Patrick and who he really was.

    Being of Irish decent and having a fondness for all things irish, I've decided to share with you the TRUE facts about St.Patrick and why we celebrate St.Patrick's Day.

    St.Patrick was actually one of the first Christian missionaries in Ireland.

    Originally from Britain, St. Patrick was kidnapped by Irish immigrants when he was 16 years old, and and sold as a slave where he worked in Ireland for 6 years. While Patrick worked there as a shepherd, he developed a deep faith in God, sometimes praying up to 100 times per day.

    After six years the Lord spoke to Patrick in a dream and helped him escape from his captives and return to Britain.

    He then served as a deacon in Britain, just as his father and grandfather did. After many years, he returned to Ireland to begin what is now known as a very successful Christian missionary campaign. After his success, he was named the patron saint of Ireland.

    It is said that Patrick used the shamrock(a 3 leaf clover) as a symbol to explain the Trinity to Unbelievers, i.e., how God is One God in Three Persons.

    Patrick would hold up a shamrock and challenge his hearers, "Is it one leaf or three?" "It is both one leaf and three," was their reply. "And so it is with God," he would conclude. One of the leaves represented the Father, the second the Son and the third the Holy Spirit.

    March 17 is said to be the day that Patrick passed away, and so each year on this date people celebrate in rememberence of him and the many people he brought to the Lord.

    If you'd like to learn more about St.Patrick, you can read his autobiography, which is called Confession.