Month: August 2009

  • 6 months!

    6 months! Wow, I can't believe it's been six months since I last updated by xanga. I suppose facebook and twitter have officially stolen my attention. Plus, I just don't have that much to ramble about anymore. Or maybe I'm just not much of a rambler anymore...I like facebook and twitter because I can sum things in up in a one sentance status update, I like that, straight and to the point.

     Life is good...still working at the radio station, my dream job! Started going to a new church in Cartersville that I really like.

    On vacation this week but instead of going anywhere I'm going to save money and do a "staycation". Just stay home and sleep in every day, go to the lake and the pool and the movies. Should be a good time!

    There, that's about as much rambling as I can bring myself to do! lol sorry faithful xangan readers, hope I'm not too much of a dissapointment.